Monday, December 12, 2011

Birthday Chute - Duffy Lake Road

Despite the prolonged dryspell on the Coast there still is good skiing to be found!! This week a good friend from Revelstoke came out for some backcountry snowboarding around Whistler.
We took it up to the Duffy Lake Road, North of Pemberton. Was a bit of a roll of the dice to decide just what we wanted to ride this day. We opted for the line i have always looked at but never skiied, the Birthday Chute off of the Vantage Shoulder. The line is a nice narrow chute about 40 - 45 degrees in to a large fan. Despite lacking snow on the upper pitch so it required some carefull down climbing the run was great!

Mount Joffre North face lines looking quite filled in for this time of the year.

Mount Matier, The Anniversary Glacier and Mount Joffree

Angus down climbing in to the Birthday Chute

Angus dropping in

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